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File Conversion FAQs

1. Which files can I open natively, without converting them first?)

Files with the following extensions can be openend immediately after upload: swf, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, mp3, mp4, flv, m4v, f4v, f4a, f4b, f4p, mov (most), mp4v, m4a, 3gp (most), 3g2 and aac.

Out of that list you can choose to convert the following to a smaller, optimized size: mp4, flv, mov

2. OK thanks, what about other filetypes?

Other filetypes can either be uploaded and converted, or just uploaded (and shared with others for download, for example).

Filetypes that can be uploaded and converted: 
Office: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx and also pdf, txt, and rtf 
Video: avi, wmv, mpg, mpeg, asf, asx, fix, mkv, xvid and the filetype mentioned in the previous question (mp4, flv, mov) 
Audio: wma, wav, wave, aif, aiff, mpa and ogg

3. I'm having trouble getting my file to convert, it seems the conversion fails, what can I do?

For PowerPoint files:

  • Make sure you do not include macros on your sildes. For safety reasons we have to disable all macros and that should work fine, but there can be cases where the presence of macros will cause the conversion to cancel.
  • Make sure you do not embed ActiveX components in your slides (such as external video). This causes stability issues with the converter.
  • Make sure you do not rely on external resources, such as CSS. Whilst this should usually not cause any issues with the conversion, we have seen cases which made the file unconvertable.

4. The URLs in my powerpoint presentation are not clickable, I need my viewers to be able to click on links, what can I do?

When creating your powerpoint, right click onto the text you want to link and manually reassign the hyperlink using the "hyperlink" menu item. If this does not work, make sure to remove any Word Art. Applying Word Art will result in this text being rendered as a bitmap image rather than a clickable link. Remove Word Art styles by right clicking, then selecting Format > Word Art styles > Clear Word Art.

  • 57
  • 25-Sep-2015