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Gmail Calendar Gadget for Onstream Meetings and Webinars

Getting Started with the Onstream Meetings and Webinars Google Calendar Gadget

The Onstream Meetings and Webinars Google Calendar gadget allows meeting moderators to schedule Onstream Meetings and Webinars leveraging Gmail and Google Calendar event capabilities.


  1. To get started, make sure you have a Google Account.
  2. Use following link to download and install the gadget: Install
  3. Once the installation is complete the gadget is available in Google Calendar gadget sidebar.

How to use

Once the installation is taken care of, using the gadget is as simple as creating an event in your Google Calendar.

  1. Log in to your Gmail account, click on the Google Apps icon then click on Calendar or log in directly to the Google Calendar app.
  • 42
  • 24-Sep-2015