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Share Recordings

Onstream Webinars gives you the ability to send users the streaming link to your recording.  On your dashboard, go to the “recordings” tab and click to open the recording you want to send. Once the recording is open, in the top right, you will see gear icon for options. A drop down will open up and there will be a copy link option.  Click on that and you will be given a link to copy and paste wherever you want to send the recording.  This option only works while you have an active account.

[Figure: Copy URL.png]

Alternatively you can however over the title of your recording in the recordings tab and click the pencil icon. Scroll down and check off invite participants. Fill in the participant’s information or click the icon in the email address bar field to load your address book, which will let you quick fill your contacts. Save your recording to automatically send personalized invites to your participants to view the recording.

  • 17
  • 27-Jul-2015